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Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 is the umbrella term given for Microsoft’s cloud subscription service that provides organisations with a range of services and applications, such as the Office Suite.

What is Microsoft 365? 

Formerly Office 365, Microsoft 365 is the umbrella term used for Microsoft’s cloud subscription solutions that provide organisations with a range of services and applications, such as the Office suite of desktop products. 

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What’s the difference between packages? 

As you move up through the tiers, the major differences between Microsoft 365 packages comes in the form of pricing, the availability of desktop applications, and security features. The basic plan only offers web-based apps, whereas standard and premium allow users to install Office apps on their local machines.  

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Benefits of Microsoft 365 

Whatever functionality you need for the size of your business, Microsoft 365 offers a whole host of benefits which increase depending on the package you choose:  

  • Remote working – because your critical services are hosted in the cloud (which is accessed via the Internet), your staff will be able to work securely from home, the office, or on the go.
  • Easy budgeting & scalability – choose between monthly or annual plans. Opt for an annual plan for upfront payment discounts, and within this option, select either Annual Commit Annual Bill for full payment or Annual Commit Monthly Bill for a more spread out approach. The monthly plan enables pay as you go flexibility, allowing you to scale your business usage monthly and cancel at any time.
  • Increased Productivity – the use of Teams, with its increased accessibility for files and apps, allows for staff to communicate, and edit documents together in real-time, increasing productivity.
  • Data security – 365 stores your data securely in the cloud, preventing unauthorised access and data making recovery easier in the event of corruption or loss.
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Why partner with Sharp? 

At Sharp, we recognise the ineffectiveness of a one-size-fits-all approach. We collaborate with you to understand your business and its unique goals. As part of the Microsoft Partner Network, we hold significant accreditations through IT Point which coupled with our extensive experience in servicing IT needs, position Sharp to seamlessly migrate your systems to Microsoft 365 with minimal disruption. We work closely with your teams to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your new solution, leveraging our access to the best pricing on popular hardware and IT software platforms.

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Microsoft 365 Business Premium

