ESG Icons in green

Solar ESG Excellence

Learn about our solar Environmental Social Governance (ESG) journey and our practices.

ESG is integral to our values and success

As a solar pioneer with photovoltaic industry track record of more than six decades, Sharp is strongly committed to ethical and responsible business practices. Sharp Energy Solutions Europe, in line with Sharp Corporation, believes in conducting business operations ethically and responsibly. We uphold standards in our operations and we expect the same from our suppliers. Our commitment applies to the topics of protecting human rights, fair labor practices, environmental stewardship, and combatting corruption. In line with our company's core values of sincerity and creativity, we wholeheartedly adopt the principles of ESG, demonstrating unwavering sincerity and committing to responsible, innovative practices. Let's create a better future for the society, employees, and the planet!

Environmental responsibility

Sharp first crafted its Environmental Policy in 1992 and has been upholding environmental responsibility for a long time. In 2019, Sharp unveiled the SHARP Eco Vision 2050, aligning with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C goal. Sharp strives for carbon neutrality, promoting clean energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The corporation set mid-term goals to reduce CO2 emissions 33% by 2031 and 60% by 2035 compared to the year 2019. Third-party verification ensures data reliability. Sharp follows global standards like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), adheres to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, and ISO26000. 

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Social engagement

From Efforts related to Human Rights up to promoting CSR along our Supply chain Sharp has a huge number of various Social initiatives. The initiatives are backed by our commitment to compliance to uphold ethical and responsible business practices. We understand the importance of adhering to regulations such as the Forced Labor ban, CSDDD (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive), and the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). At Sharp Energy Solution Europe, we firmly believe that operating ethically and responsibly is not just a legal obligation but a moral imperative.  

Hands Dirty

Governance instruments

Our ethical governance is guided by the principle “maximize corporate value through transparent and sound management”. The whole Sharp Group follows the Charter of Corporate Behavior and Sharp Code of Conduct. Internal and external audits ensure legality in execution. Our supply chain for solar modules falls under Sharps own governance controls and requirements of relevant European legislation. 

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Committed to compliance

Sharp Energy Solutions Europe continuously works to comply with all relevant European legislations, including the future Forced Labor ban, CSDDD and CSRD. We take our responsibility to operate ethically and responsibly very seriously, and we have taken steps to ensure that our supply chain for solar modules meets these requirements. Sharp Energy Solutions Europe is actively addressing new and future legal requirements, particularly in the area of supply chain due diligence and sustainability reporting.

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Transparent supply chain

We believe that transparency is key to ensuring that our supply chain is free from forced labor and unethical practices. That's why we work closely with our suppliers to make certain that they meet our strict ethical standards, and we are committed to providing our customers with full visibility into our supply chain.

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Sustainable sourcing

At Sharp Energy Solution Europe, we believe that sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. That's why we are committed to sourcing components from sustainable and responsible sources, by following our basic procurement concept and Guidelines for procurement activities as well as requesting our suppliers to comply with our practices. We work hard to ensure that the manufacturing of our solar modules has minimal impact on the environment.

raw material sourcing mine

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In 1973, Sharp put into writing its business philosophy, which says the company will “contribute to the culture, benefits and welfare of people throughout the world” and that “our future prosperity is directly linked to the prosperity of our customers, dealers and shareholders.” These and other vows of the business philosophy share the aims of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which the UN enacted in 2015.
Under its business philosophy, Sharp carries out ESG management with a two-pronged approach: creating solutions to social problems through business and technological innovation, and reducing social and environmental impact through sustainable business activities. This approach will help achieve the SDGs and thereby contribute to a sustainable and better world where no one on Earth is left behind.

SDGs UN Global Compact

SESE ESG Statement

V1 Oct 2023 (EN)


SESE Forced Labour Statement

June 2021


Sharp Supply Chain CSR Deployment Guidebook

Rev.3 (May 2018)


Sharp Sustainability Report

September 2023
